Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Tanaka Reina Graduates From Morning Musume

So, after the Higher maths exam from hell, I have finally sat down to write this post. And to be honest I don't really know where to start. The relationship between myself and 'Reina the Idol' has never been simple. When I became a fan of Morning Musume back in 2009, the platinum girls were still in full swing and the AiReina duo were at the forefront the whole time. These days, the 'platinum era' line-up are remembered for their performance skills and don't seem to get half as much stick as they did at the time. However, I'll admit that, I have never really got 'Reina the Performer'. Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate 'Reina the Singer'; no-one can deny that throughout her time in the group she has given some incredible vocal performances. Even 'Reina the Dancer' is alright really. Yet, I always felt that the passion I am sure she has never really translated to me as a fan.

A duo not to be messed with!

Reina's solo on last year's '13 Colorful Character' was another vocal highlight.

Now, an area where my views are completely different is where 'Reina the Personality' is concerned. While I never really hit it off with on-stage Reina, I think off-stage Reina is brilliant. She is one of the members who can be talking to a camera backstage and yet you really feel as if she is talking to you. I also enjoy reading her blog because she is one of the girls who writes in exactly the same way as she speaks. Reina, to me, despite her (former?) lone wolf attitude, comes across as charming and funny.

Whether you like it or not, Tanaka Reina has been a huge part of Morning Musume history and leaves a large gap to be filled by the younger members (who I'm sure will step up to the challenge).

Reina's graduation was held at Nippon Budokan and the venue looked incredible, filled with light blue penlights. Personally, I feel that Reina's graduation concert was a very positive event. One which was celebrating her time in the group and looking towards the future of both Morning Musume and Tanaka Reina. I've got to admit that Reina has really outdone her self by graduating in an outfit which is basically just a huge bow. I now really look forward to graduation outfits as I feel that since Ai's t-shirt and jeans combo, they have felt more personal and not like the graduating girl has been shoved into some massive glittery dress just because "that's the way it should be". Reina's outfit was loud, bright and overall very Reina and it is a pleasure to see her standing out and shining brightly while performing the final song, Shabondama.
