Friday, 4 November 2011

Hello! Project need some new groups.

I don't mean fresh faces, I mean they need to utilise the faces they have. Remember subgroups like Tanpopo, Petit Moni and Mini Moni. Random thrown together groups like Gomattou and Def. Diva. I reckon H!P would really benefit from a few new units (is that the word?). It would allow them to promote the girls as individuals rather than just one large shapeless entity. Now what is needed is ideas.

Recently I have been loving this.
Unfortunately I feel that Risako is the only one who really pulled this off. I then came accross a video of C-ute's Chisato singing the same song and loved it.
So here is new group idea number one :
3 members - Niigaki Risa, Sugaya Risako, Okai Chisato.
In my opinion, these are three members who are not technically the best singers but all have voices that are among the most unique and interesting in H!P. This is also a group that would have a lot of power or, for lack of a better word, "oomph".

New group idea number two:
4 members - Michishige Sayumi, Fukumura Mizuki, Nakajima Saki, Fukuda Kanon
After the great 'Suki da na kimi ga' I have wanted a group doing stuff in that cutesy electro-pop genre. I would also love to see this group do songs like 'Momoiro Sparkling' or even something like 'Otome Pasta ni Kandou'. Basically a sweet sugary group.

  I would want this group to have this kind of bold, colourful image.


  1. I completely agree with this. And I've wanted new units myself for a while. Personally, I've wanted H!P to try another slightly mature unit. With more of a cool image. V-U-DEN was supposed to be mature and sexy, but they fell back to a cute image too often. I think the group should be made up of the deeper voices girls in H!P. Deep voiced girls in H!P always get over looked. So I'm thinking of having Niigaki Risa, Mitsui Aika, Suzuki Kanon, (her voice seems deep. I mostly added her because I lover her to pieces.) Kumai Yurina, Sudou Maasa, and Hagiwara Mai. (Mai's voice isn't really deep, but it has deep tones) Maybe even throw in Shimizu Saki and Kudou Haruka for good measure. Sadly, S/mileage or ManoEri would not fit at all. XD Then I'd have them sing something like This is Unmei or Inshouha Renoir no You ni.

    (Also, I'd love to comment your blog more, but it will not allow me to comment with my google or wordpress accounts. I'm lucky I have a LJ, or I wouldn't be able to comment at all. :/)

  2. Thanks for the comment. I definatly think that H!P is taking a step in the right direction with Mobekimasu. I still wish High-King had been more of a permanent affair. That would have been brilliant. As a unit they were relitavely fresh and new.
    It's nice to know you've visited here before. This site can be a pain sometimes! XD
