Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Maeda Yuuka to take a walk off down Obscurity Avenue

As far as S/mlieage goes I am a casual fan at best. However, this news screwed with my brain too you'll be glad to know. For a group that was on top of the world at the beggining of the year, really promising to be big, S/mileage is really no longer the same group. They are certainly progressing but at a mad pace. Like a car driving too fast down an uneven country road. (I should really stop using such ridiculous similes.) If I, a dedicated Hello! Project fan, can barely keep up then how are the general public expected to cope. Don't get me wrong. I am not blaming the girls. I just feel things could of been handled differently. Also, they are going to graduate Yuuka on Hogmany?! What a bum-note to leave the year on.

Back to Yuuka. During her years in Hello! Project she has really grown in to a great idol. Although she was never my favourite I can easily recognise her strenght as a S/mileage member. Although Sakitty still holds the vocal crown Yuuka is now the best singer in S/mileage (I think). I have always been impressed at how such a young girl held her own in High-King alongside 4 other amazing idols. I sincerely wish Yuuka the best of luck with her schooling and I hope she does well in her exams so that she can do the university course she is interested in, whatever that may be.  がんばて!!! 


  1. I don't know what they are doing anymore. Is this whole thing because Saki decided to leave? Did they really need four new members to replace one!? With Yuuka leaving they will really have to step it up and maybe even will back some fans.

    And hey, similes are fine with me. They are like falling backwards onto lots of comfy cushions that create pictures know...reinforce your meaning (clearly you are the master - not I). ;P

  2. If I was in charge I would have brought in two new members. For me part of S/mileages charm was in their small numbers. Besides K-pop stuff there is not many small idol groups taking Japan by storm at the moment. I still think that C-ute could really fill that gap in the market if the folk at H!P could get their name out there.
    Similes sometimes just pop into my head and I can't help but use theme. XD
