Monday, 2 January 2012

Niigaki Risa to graduate at the end of the Spring tour

Wow. What a great way to start the new year. . . . . . not.

This announcement has hit me really hard. Much harder than Ai's graduation announcement but I suppose that was one we all saw coming. This one, not so much. (Or at least I didn't)

It feels the Morning Musume I knew is slipping away through my fingers. After Risa's graduation there will be only 3 members left out the 9 who were part of the line up back when I first came across the group in 2009. Risa was one of those members who I was just drawn to immediately. Her sheer amount of energy on stage is something I find incredibly impressive. She really "brings it" right from the get-go. 

Take, for example, this performance of Shabondama from 2007. Risa's performance really is incredibly captivating. When she sings I almost forget about the others, just for a moment. As cliched as it sounds, Niigaki Risa has "it".

One may say, "She wasn't always that great" and that's true, she certainly wasn't. It isn't until 2007, when she was included in that lengthy titled 10th anniversary unit, that I would have been able to really rate her as a singer. Risa improved a lot throughout 2007 and her role as the prince in the 2008 'Cinderella' musical seemed to really teach her how to utilise her voice. However, I feel that it was her love for Morning Musume that allowed her to develop into the great performer she is today. I am looking forward to seeing more of her acting (since that seems to be what she wants to focus on) in the future because from what I've seen she is not bad at all.

In the time she has left in the group I am sure that Risa will continue to be a great leader to the younger members and I hope they will grow to fill the rather large shoes that she, and indeed Aichan, have left behind. I am sure that Sayu will be a great leader and will have fantastic back-up in the form of Reina and Aika and I sincerely hope the three of them still have a few years (at least) in the group.

Also, 'Pyokopyoko Ultra' as a final single? She deserves so much more.


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