Friday, 26 August 2011

30 Day Hello! Project Idol Challenge - Days 17 and 18

I missed a day due to a piano lesson, manically practicing for the piano lesson I had forgotten about and subsequently forgot about everything else so this is a sort of "2 for the price of 1" kind of thing.

Day 17 -  Your first Idol?

The first idol that I was exposed to was a certain Kusumi Koharu. The story of how I discovered Koha in the first place is rather odd yet uninteresting. I wrote a version of it out recently for the 'about me' section of the blog so I shall just copy and paste from there. (Yes, I am that lazy.)

"Back in 2008 I was browsing a page of 'Japanese female singers' on Wikipedia. Naturally, I was looking at the 'K' section. I saw a name that I thought sounded quite cool and on a whim clicked on it. The name was Koharu Kusumi."

Despite, not really getting in to Koharu at first (the first idol I really loved, and still do, was Aibon) I have grown to love her. She really has her own brand of complete madness and even though her singing voice is just plain weird her dancing is good. Also, no-one can deny that she is beautiful.

Day 18 - Your favourite concert

Why is it that I love the 'pika pika' tour? Is it because '10 MY ME' was fantastic and the concert therefore has a great setlist? Is it because of the sleekness of the performance? It is both. I just love this concert a lot (although that dvd cover is terrible).

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