Saturday 27 August 2011

A Sudden Turn of Events for S/mileage

First things first. I haven't been this shocked in a while. Ogawa Saki's unexpected departure really is the end of an era for S/mileage. The audition that seemed mad and out of the blue when they were announced makes sense now, as does the 4 girls miserable reaction to the announcement.

Saki has always been an important part of the group and I wonder how the group will sounds without her vocals. Her decision to return to a normal life is shocking but I respect her decision and wish for her happiness. I think that people often underestimate how hard being an idol is, especially for someone so young.

Despite 90% respecting her decision and accepting it for what it is my other 10% (the cynical fraction) thinks the whole ordeal is a bit suspicious. I sincerely hope that I am wrong.

Even if it was for a short time, on this occasion an egg hatched in to a real star.

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